How to Effectively Treat Onychomycosis (Nail Fungus)?

Summer brings to mind sun, tans, and poolside fun, but it’s important to remember that these activities can sometimes lead to various infections. Our nails often reflect our overall health, and fungal infections like onychomycosis can develop subtly initially.

While onychomycosis can occur on fingernails, it is commonly found on toenails. Early signs of the infection include colour changes (such as yellowish-brown spots) or weakening of the nail. Over time, the nail may thicken, become brittle, and significantly alter in colour. In severe cases, it may cause pain or an unpleasant odour, making nail care and trimming challenging. Thus, onychomycosis poses a health concern and impacts aesthetic appearance.

What Causes the Disease?

Did you know that the risk of developing onychomycosis increases with age? As we get older, the growth rate of our nails slows down, and our immune system weakens. Additionally, fungal infections thrive in moist environments, such as gyms, saunas, and public pools.

Special attention should be given to Shellac nail polish, which has become one of the most common causes of onychomycosis in the 21st century. Frequent or improper application can mechanically damage the nail plate, allowing fungal spores to penetrate more easily, and increasing the risk of infection.

Other risk factors include excessive sweating, nail trauma, and various medical conditions such as diabetes and immune deficiencies.

What Treatment Methods Are Available?

Onychomycosis can be treated through several methods. Often, doctors opt for a pharmacological approach, which requires a prolonged treatment course. In the early stages of the infection or mild cases, local treatments may be prescribed. However, improper use of antifungal medications can lead to resistance, hindering the achievement of desired results.

Self-treatment is also common, where individuals attempt to address the problem at home using medications or home remedies without professional supervision. However, such attempts are often ineffective and can lead to the recurrence of the disease.

As for laser therapy, it is a new and innovative treatment method and is currently considered one of the most effective ways to combat onychomycosis. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of this treatment depends on the authenticity and quality of the laser equipment used.

How is Treatment Conducted at “Healthy Look”?

At our clinic, we use only state-of-the-art equipment from leading brands, and all procedures are performed by experienced dermatologists.

Onychomycosis is treated with the advanced Nd:YAG laser, recognized as the most effective solution for this condition. Furthermore, it is clinically approved and completely safe for your health.

The treatment involves using a specialized laser beam to target and destroy fungal cells. The intense light penetrates the nail to eliminate the fungus without harming the surrounding tissue. The procedure is painless and requires no downtime.

Treatments are scheduled at 3-4 week intervals, with the number of sessions depending on factors such as the severity of the nail damage and the patient’s response to the therapy.

Prevention and Care

Preventing onychomycosis is just as crucial as treating it. Regular nail care is essential, including proper trimming to avoid damaging the nail structure. Additionally, always maintain cleanliness and never use other people’s hygiene items.

It’s also important to wear natural cotton socks and choose breathable footwear to minimize foot sweating. In public areas (such as saunas and showers), avoid walking barefoot.

If you notice any unusual color changes in your nails or if the surface of the nail alters despite preventive measures, seek advice from a specialist without delay. Remember, health and beauty start with self-care.
